As the world continues to face more and more disruptive eras, the capability of people within an enterprise has never been more important. People will need to have the right skills in place, in order for them to understand what this disruption means, identify opportunities and turn those opportunities into value. A survey conducted by Stats SA (2020) found that 43% of leaders believe their workforce can't meet their business demands. The increasing need for organisations to continuously be innovative, keep abreast of new technologies and collaborate with the innovation ecosystem is going to require equally continuous knowledge flowing into your organisations.
COOi Studios has built an Academy that offers learning in a reimagined manner, what this means, we do not follow traditional methods of learning, but rather we teach each other, continuously exchange ideas and thoughts whether be in a group setting or as an individual. We have mixed different types of learning methods to give learners an engaging and effective learning experience.
Didactics which is formal learning when employees are being taught, is used sparingly when we are trying to explain complex topics. A lot of our curriculum uses the discovery methods which is informal learning where learners find things out on their own. We always insist on doing, experiential learning where learners practice what they have just been taught practically in class. And lastly discourse, where learners gain knowledge from interacting with others in our sessions that could be in the form of presentations, or adjudicating each other’s work. We offer the following learning programmes:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Internet of Things
- Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality
- 3D Printing
- Design Thinking
Our learning programmes are 2-3 days long, and we work with the organisation in developing the curriculum to ensure it is suited for the organisations needs.

Applying learning reimagined methods; didactics, discovery, doing and discourse

Capacitating Mining Teams with Emerging Technology Trends

Exposing your employees to emerging technologies is the first step towards helping them unlock value for your business. Speak to us about equipping your people with the skills to thrive in the new with COOi Academy.